A-O Injury Hotline
Our goal is to work with you as a partner and prevent workplace injuries from becoming expensive claims that drive your premiums higher. It’s important that supervisors and employees know to call promptly after a work-related injury.
A simple call to the A-O Injury Hotline gets the injured employee in immediate contact with a specially trained registered nurse. See below for a step-by-step outline of the process.
PLEASE NOTE: This service is designed to help employees when they are injured at work. If further treatment is recommended, a claim will be initiated on the policyholder's behalf.

When Injury Occurs
Ideally, the supervisor and injured employee should place the call to A-O Injury Hotline together. If the supervisor is unavailable, the injured employee can call A-O Injury Hotline directly. ALWAYS CALL 911 FIRST FOR ANY POTENTIALLY LIFE-THREATENING SITUATIONS.
The A-O Injury Hotline is available 24 hours a day by calling toll free 1-844-334-6475.

Injury Assessment
A registered nurse will answer the call, determine the seriousness and nature of the injury, and the way to address it. Using patented methods and following specially designed protocols, Medcor can ensure your employees receive effective triage results. Medcor can also access interpreters to assist with over 200 languages when necessary.
If the injured employee can safely return to work, the nurse will provide first aid (“self-care”) instructions. Self-care instructions may be faxed or emailed to the employee.
Or, the nurse may determine that the employee should be referred off-site for further evaluation or treatment or the employee may request to be referred off-site. If an off-site recommendation is made, a fax alert of the employee’s arrival may be sent to the selected medical facility.

Triage Report Information
Whenever a triage call is placed, certain information must be collected to properly identify the employee. This information is kept confidential and is only released to those who have a right to access it. Examples of the required information include company name and facility, employee details and injury location.

Post-Injury Resource
At the end of the call, the employee will be given a unique call confirmation number and the A-O Injury Hotline toll-free number so he or she can call back with any questions, changes in conditions or concerns. A-O Injury Hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.